Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Harry Potter: Temptation Beyond Measure

(It's not really a spoiler that follows, but it has some innuendo)

As I'm sure everyone's aware of, the final installment (book seven) of Harry Potter came out last weekend. Back in 2000, I was pretty skeptial on Pottermania, but after much browbeating from a former roommate (Drew Corum), I agreed to read the first book. It's an experience that, I'm sure every Potter fan has gone through. It was similar to someone introducing you to that first piece of [Insert Your Favorite Food Here]. For me, Harry Potter was like being given a grand piece of Swiss chocolate. I could try to explain my enjoyment with the novel in more detail, with more panache, but this is a pretty accurate portrayal of the experience. Reading Harry Potter is like eating your favorite candy. It's one of those experiences that you just simply can't get enough of. You looked forward to the arrival of the next book in the series, and rereading the stories never got old. It's a fantastic feeling and I can't help but wonder if this is what the movies were like for people stuck in the Great Depression?

Anyway, enough of the philosophy. This past week, I reread books five and six to refresh myself on the pertinent issues and get psyched for the conclusion of the series. I finished book seven Sunday evening. First, let me say that, looking back on it with several days space, it was a pretty good read. I give it a 4 out of 5 stars. So, all of my Potter-breathren, don't hate me when I reveal that I wasn't enamored by the final fifty pages. There was closure and for that I am thankful to Rowling, but as for the type of closure offered, I felt that I was cheated. The climax was fantastic, but it ended with a bitter taste in my mouth. It wasn't quite the gourmet darks of Lindt that I received, but rather more like a milk chocolate Hershey kiss. It was sweet and still a joy to read, but not quite the chocolate that I crave and search for the world over. Yet still - it was a wonderful ride and I respect the author for sticking with her storyline.

I've chatted with several friends about the ending and I've come to one conclusion. This was a children's series. It always was and always will be. You may grow up with the characters, but it is still meant for the children's genre. No matter how much I wanted Potter to evolve to that next level, which for me that means the ending would have reached the level of Dostoyevsky's Crime and Punishment (which it could have - not in the prose but in terms of the inevitability of the stoy's conclusion). But looking back on it now - I don't think that the story could have ended any other way. And for that I am both upset that the series didn't make the leap that would push it beyond the children's genre, but I understand why it had to end the way it did.

So long Harry and thank you once again for chocolate.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

No no, stop that,

Let's put it this way. We love our precious puppy. We really do. But sometimes he pushes you and you have to say, "Ok, I'm not going to do anything rash. I'm just going to count to ten. I can do this. I can count to ten". So, you start counting.... one .... two ... three ... and then "Nope, I just can't do it. I want to strangle you!" But you always come to your senses and don't attack your dog. Anyway, for those of you that don't know Porter too well - he's a chewer. What does that mean? Well? Let's put it this way, he's chewed through shoes, socks, pants, shirts, towels, dog beds, rugs, sofas (um... who hasn't heard that one yet?) papers, books, and now (as of 5 minutes ago - he chewed through and ripped off one of the clasps on my messenger bag. It's amazing how he can get into anything, at any level and munch munch munch. Grrr! We keep telling ourselves, "he's a puppy", "he's a puppy", and he's still learning (but in the back of your head you hear "yep - learning to chew shoes, socks, ...").

More Artsy

Yes, yes. I know. The picture of Sara and Porter on the sofa isn't the most flattering of poses for the little pooch. So, for those of you that have been so critical of the realism in my photojournalism, here's something more artsy. A bit more noir if you will.

When It's Hot Outside

It's summer in Nashville - which translates into:
1. Blistering heat
2. Oppressive humidity
3. A puppy who just refuses to calm down until you play with him.

Well, maybe #3 is not the first thing that comes to mind when you think about summer (and maybe #1 and #2 aren't at the top of your list either).

Anyway, it's been awhile since I updated the ol' blog, so here's some news. Porter recently learned that he loves the sofa. Maybe it's because of the cushiness. Maybe its the cool leather on his hot body. Or maybe, just maybe, it's the fact that Porter loves being next to us - all ... the ... time. Regardless, it's clear he loves the sofa as much as we do.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

For Krista

This is an update. ;-)