Monday, September 11, 2006

Macbook Scmacbook

It's officially over 2 weeks since I sent my new macbook 13" in to Apple for repairs. It's also over 6 weeks since my computer was rendered virtually (in the abstract not literal sense) unusable due to the random shut down problem that it picked up.

For those of you that didn't hear the story. About 6 weeks ago, my 1.5 month old laptop began shutting off when coming out of sleep. I'll write more on the story later - but this follows after my cd/dvd drive died on day 2.

So, for the past month or so, I've moved over to a Dell latitude laptop (ok ok, it's Sara's). No problems with it - just like I didn't have any problems with my previous latitude. I'm thinking about bailing on Apple and switching back. My original move was to get the Dual Core in an ultraslim laptop, but the new latitudes may fit the bill.

Regardless, it's been a sad sad experience with Apple.


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