Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Merry Making in Florida

Sara and I visited the Ertell/Zimmerman/Malin Family for Christmas / Hannukah. Whew! What a whirlwind. Several days in Naples, then over for a quick visit to Ft. Lauderdale to see the King Tut exhibit and catch up with Seth, Julie, and Dana (yes, the niece that attacks) over lunch. It was great! The best part? The S U N. I missed seeing and feeling that bright cheerful guy. What I wouldn't give for Pittsburgh to have more sun in the winter (actually all year round would be nice).

As for the picture, that's me, Molly (sara's older sister), and Adam (boyfriend) on the way to the beach. Sara's taking the picture.

More pictures from the trip are here.

Now, Sara and I are gearing up for our trip to Ireland.


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