Saturday, October 01, 2005

AMIA Studept Paper Competition Finals...

Well, it seems good news travels like wildfire (thanks to my doctoral advisor). To summarize: a paper I wrote, entitled "A Secure Protocol to Distribute Unlinkable Health Data", has been named one of the 8 finalists in the Student Paper Competition at the American Medical Informatics Association's Annual Symposium. The competition works as follows:
  1. The paper must first be accepted to the conference by the Scientific Program Committee, then
  2. a Student Paper Advisory Committee selected eight finalists (papers authored by students) for presentation at the competition.
Based on a combination of the written paper and oral presentation, the judges will assign 1st through 3rd place.

So now, I get to make two presentations: one at the competition (Oct 23) and one in my session (Oct 25) . Wish me luck!


Blogger Obi Igbokwe said...

Congratulations on getting into the final and good luck with that. I would be attending the symposium to represent my company,, and would must likely get to see your presentation. Your paper sounds interesting.

5:03 AM  

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